Billiards Vault

Definition of Pocket apiece

This is another name for One Pocket pool.

24 Random Essential Billiards Terms

Also string off. Chiefly British; Obsolete: Same as string or lag.
The angle from which a ball rebounds from a rail, as measured from the perpendicular to the rail.
Chiefly Australian: Same as a force follow shot.
This is to step up to the table and successfully execute a difficult shot.
This describes a shot where you bank the object ball off of a rail and then sink it in a side pocket.
Chiefly British. This is a shot in a snooker game where the first object ball hit contacts another object ball and the second one is pocketed. If both of the balls are red, or if the second ball would be on if the first ball had not been deemed free then it is an allowed shot.
This is when a player has scratched and the foul in one pocket calls for them to spot a ball, but not able to be spotted at the time. In this case a coin is usually placed on the side of the table to keep tabs.
Jargon for a tournament chart, showing which players are playing against whom and what the results are. Often shortened to card.
A cross-corner bank shot from one end of the table to the other (i.e. across the center string). Long banks are considerably more difficult, because of the smaller margin for error due to distance and angle widening, than cross-side banks and short cross-corner banks from the same end of the table.
This is a tool that is used to shape a cue stick. It holds the cue in place while rotating it along a cutting edge. This tool can also be used to hold the cue in place while constructing or repairing other parts on the cue.
Same as solids, in New Zealand. Compare little, small, reds, low, spots, dots; contrast overs.
In APA, once a player has received at least 10 scores in a format, they will have established their skill level. Their established skill level can go up or down depending on their performance and is calculated by the APA's Equalizer Handicap System.
A phrase used in snooker to describe the scenario whereby there are not enough available points on the table to level the scores for the frame, therefore the trailing player needs his/her opponent to foul in order to be able to make up the deficit. The name comes from the fact that this would normally have to be achieved by placing the leading player in foul-prone situations such as difficult snookers.
British: Same as cling, and kick.
Using knowledge of the game and one's own abilities and limitations to choose the manner of shooting and the particular shot from an array presented, that has a degree of likelihood of success. This often requires a player to forego a shot that if made would be very advantageous but does not have a high likelihood of success, in favor of a safety or less advantageous shot that is more realistically achievable.
In snooker, the colour ball that is worth three points, being the second-least valuable colour behind the yellow. It is one of the baulk colours.
A set practice routine.
In British terminology, a bank shot.
This is the act of keeping your ball location advantages the way they are, and not allowing your opponent to even things out in the game of one pocket.
Also dead ball shot. A shot intended to slow down or "kill" the cue ball's speed as much as possible after contact with an object ball; usually a shot with draw, often combined with inside english. It is often shortened to kill.
All-Africa Pool Association. The AAPA is a member of the WPA.
Also littles, little ones, little balls. In eight-ball, to be shooting the solid suit (group) of balls (1 through 7); "you're little, remember", "you're the little balls" or "I've got the littles". Compare small, solids, reds, low, spots, dots, unders; contrast big.
This is the raised portion on the side of the table; the cushions are essentially rubber bumpers covered in the table cloth.
This is a special shaped leather or plastic bottle that is used on the table during play in special pocket games.
This refers to the cluster of balls remaining in a similar position to where they were within the break